canon camera

canon camera. II,New canon camera,best
  • II,New canon camera,best

  • Matthew Yohe
    Dec 28, 02:59 AM
    I'm guessing that this is a bug that would be fixed in the future when OS X supports writing to NTFS volumes natively.

    So, if you want to share something on your Mac over the network, and you want to define users and their permissions, you should make sure that the folders that you're sharing are on a drive or partition formatted to HFS+.

    Ah nice, but don't expect OSX to support writing to NTFS in the future. The way that things like 3G-NTFS or whatever write to a NTFS volume is sort of hacky anyway. If you can, I would look into using exFAT now instead of NTFS (if that works for your environment).

    canon camera. Canon
  • Canon

  • Daveoc64
    Jul 23, 06:19 PM
    Apple is in no rush to hurry something as important as this. A buggy IDE = Fail for Apple and a slow down in iPad iPhone iTouch and Mac Apps.

    They obviously think that the current IDE = fail, if they are releasing a total overhaul of the UI.

    Making the IDE better will help them bring in new developers.

    canon camera. Canon EOS 40D DSLR Camera
  • Canon EOS 40D DSLR Camera

  • puckhead193
    Dec 26, 08:34 PM
    what happened to their email support system.... :confused:

    canon camera. Canon IXUS 860 IS
  • Canon IXUS 860 IS

  • lordonuthin
    Oct 29, 11:14 PM
    Are you running the cuda wrapper for Linux?

    Not sure, I'm trying to do this ( I keep running into problems. I've gotten so far on another machine and can't get any farther :mad:

    Ok, now that I have spent most of today trying in vain to get that machine to work with gpu2, googling " cuda wrapper" results in stuff I haven't seen so, I guess I will try again tomorrow in that direction :confused:

    We are now back within about 40k of team Lithuania, keep those peddles turnin' (

    Oh, I got the core i7 started with bigadv it seems to be running at about 58 min/frame which would put it at 4.17 days.

    canon camera. Canon DSLR Cameras, Buy Latest
  • Canon DSLR Cameras, Buy Latest

  • dornoforpyros
    Aug 19, 11:34 AM
    Dude... I'm working in an office right now, as a web designer for a very large site. It's all in learning how to work the politics around the office and have people respect you for your contributions and talents.

    yeah but you've also got to pick you battles. The website is just a small portion of what I do and this paticular part of it is even a smaller portion of it.There's other things I'd rather focus my energy on.

    canon camera. Canon PowerShot S5 IS Digital
  • Canon PowerShot S5 IS Digital

  • bildio
    Apr 29, 01:27 PM
    Success. Thanks very much.

    canon camera. Canon EOS 40D Digital SLR
  • Canon EOS 40D Digital SLR

  • mrathee
    Jul 27, 11:27 AM (

    Apple's MobileMe Gallery ( application has received a minor update today, fixing a few bugs while delivering new support for iPhone 4. With the update, the application can now download higher-resolution versions of images hosted on MobileMe when used on an iPhone 4 and connecting over Wi-Fi. The change allows users to take advantage of iPhone 4's 960 x 640 "Retina" display to view images in crisper detail.

    Unfortunately, the update does not yet bring native iPad compatibility to the application, a feature which would seem to be a logical addition to allow users to browse their MobileMe image galleries on the device's larger screen.

    Article Link: 'MobileMe Gallery' Updated for iPhone 4's Retina Display (

    Not going to lie - this may make me actually use that portion of mobile me. It has been dormant in my account for the last year+

    canon camera. Canon AE-1 SLR camera
  • Canon AE-1 SLR camera

  • hasek3139
    Jun 28, 10:14 AM
    yeah im probably camping at my att store, gonna get there at midnight for 7 am opening....... i dont want to take any chances!

    canon camera. Canon IXUS 950 IS Digital
  • Canon IXUS 950 IS Digital

  • Tattoo
    Jul 10, 03:41 PM
    My buddy Jimmy and I will be there! Start camping out around 10PM!!!:D

    canon camera. canon-xh-a1-frontright.jpg
  • canon-xh-a1-frontright.jpg

  • wordmunger
    Dec 15, 03:46 PM

    canon camera. SD1000 Digital Elph Cameras
  • SD1000 Digital Elph Cameras

  • iGary
    Jun 12, 07:29 AM
    Other World Computing - awesome supplier.

    canon camera. older canon cameraolder canon
  • older canon cameraolder canon

  • ErikAndre
    Jan 14, 12:42 PM
    y dont they feed it live??

    Most likely to help promote being in the keynote attendance. Or it's out of MacWorld's budget. Or Apple said no, because they want exclusive rights to the video and want to put it online on their own terms. Sounds to me like the ladder.

    canon camera. Canon Digital Cameras - ecBuy
  • Canon Digital Cameras - ecBuy

  • mackmgg
    May 6, 03:03 PM
    Have any of you tried upgrading (for whatever reason, maybe coming from a 3GS) and been questioned about the unlimited plan? It's still some 14 months away for me but I was just curious what might transpire when I try upgrading and they see I got unlimited data even though I joined AT&T AFTER June.

    They shouldn't care. You have it, so you should be grandfathered in regardless of when you got it

    canon camera. The camera + camera phone
  • The camera + camera phone

  • thesmileman
    Apr 30, 08:36 AM
    But we can't buy it, yet, at Stonebriar. Correct?

    Any idea how many they have in stock?

    We can buy it at 5pm.

    I don't know how many they have i talked to them yesterday and they hadn't even got them yet. I know several other people who are comming at 11:00am to wait but i thought i would get ere first. I will update when i find out any information.

    canon camera. digital camera, Canon IXY
  • digital camera, Canon IXY

  • netdog
    Apr 22, 01:46 PM
    Problem is the fans on this model are on the base, try keeping it off the floor

    This happens on my MBP too with little else running. Skype really is probably the problem.

    canon camera. Canon IXY DIGITAL 810 IS
  • Canon IXY DIGITAL 810 IS

  • Joeski
    Oct 26, 03:03 PM
    We're waiting with the kid with the fro, fourth in line

    canon camera. Canon PowerShot G6
  • Canon PowerShot G6

  • Huntn
    Apr 8, 10:50 PM
    I've sold and bought a lot of stuff on Ebay including selling multiple Mac laptops. This situation besides being traumatic to the seller (or buyer depending on the situation) is very interesting as to how ebay will address it?

    This was several years ago, but I have a friend who purchased a computer on ebay advertised with a specific graphic card. In reality the computer did not have the card that was advertised, but for some reason in the dispute, ebay sided with the seller saying the differences were not enough to warrant a return despite the card having 124MB VRAM instead of the advertised 256MB VRAM.

    Despite my story above, what has bothered me about Ebay is that it has taken steps to be friendlier to buyers at the expense of sellers. For example, instead of allowing the seller to dictate the buyer pays for insurance as a term of the sale, Ebay has taken this away this choice from the seller.

    If you have a piece of computer hardware, and you know what the serial number is, and you mail it off, what exactly prevents the buyer from switching computers and saying "you did not send me what you advertised" and asks for a refund? For this situation Ebay will have to develop a verifiable process because someone is being scammed.

    The reverse is the seller lies about the computer and sends something other than what was advertised.

    I want to know how the heck Ebay can determine who is telling the truth?

    The worst thing about being the seller is that once your computer is in the buyer's hands, you no longer have any control over your computer. For the OP, at this point, I don't think there is anything you can do but contact ebay and discuss it with them. Someone else has your computer. Hopefully you documented what you sent. If so then the buyer is a crook. Hopefully you took several pictures to distinguish between what you sent and what the buyer says he got.

    But does everyone see the dilemma? How does any 3rd party know what you really sent the buyer? This is going to make me do some research because I will be selling a laptop in the near future on ebay, that is if I can satisfy there is a means to verify what exactly has been mailed?

    Helpfull links anyone?

    canon camera. Canon camera test
  • Canon camera test

  • B.A.T
    Feb 8, 07:55 AM
    What exactly does "unofficially" mean? Is there any chance of damaging the machine if I install 8gbs?

    canon camera. Digital Cameras amp; Camcorders
  • Digital Cameras amp; Camcorders

  • cambookpro
    Apr 20, 05:24 PM
    Had this with my MBP.
    I just bent it into the shape it was supposed to be. Good as new ;)

    Jan 10, 11:12 AM
    does firefox have a key command for cycling through tabs?

    Yes, amongst many others.

    Jun 10, 10:32 AM
    I think it's more that Apple realized that in order to make money off the iPod they would have to make it too expensive for most people. When the iPod was released in 2001 it cost $500, and everyone bitched about it being too expensive. So Apple has changed their approach to selling the iPod for as cheap as possible while still making a little bit of money; this way they sell a lot more so their profits are higher than if they sold the iPod to make money. Ya follow?

    The Mac on the other hand is still priced to be the cash cow.

    so aren't you supposed to keep the cow happy?

    an overheating cow is not happy; a cow needs to be dressed (case redesign?) to be happy; a slow cow is not happy; a cow that can't process graphics good enough is not happy, she may confuse her own poop for grass.

    damn mac, they are sadomasochists.

    Mobius 1
    May 4, 08:33 AM
    I purchased it 2 yrs ago is 8GB ok ? 2009 btw

    And will it work even if i use more than 6GB of the 8GB? Will it lag?

    Guy @ apple store said if you go over limit it will LAG not improve performance

    I'm so confused now:confused:

    Dec 16, 06:14 PM
    I pulled out the battery but there is no AirPort "door" as described in the document. What should I do now? :confused:

    Sep 16, 06:18 AM
    Haha, yeah.

    One time, as a practical joke, my friend was sent an unmarked VHS videotape, and when she pressed the PLAY button, she found that the scene where the woman watches the "death" video for the first time was on HER tape. Basically, it was identical to the Death video in The Ring (Japanese version). At the end of that scene, the tape cut out. She freaked out and didn't sleep that night. :D