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  • appleguy123
    May 16, 06:54 PM
    Oh's real. The prototypes of the OMP are getting rare nowadays. It will be interesting to see what it goes for, once the Newton aficionados hear about it. :p I myself have a MessagePad 2000 that I use constantly.

    I want a Newton, but I'm not sure what I would do with it. How much do normal ones go for?

    android wallpapers. Top 15 Android Wallpapers from
  • Top 15 Android Wallpapers from

  • Hoef
    Sep 26, 01:57 PM
    Who is Iliana again?

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  • macfan881
    Jun 17, 11:19 PM
    TMNT Turtles in Time is a classic theh graphics are a nice touch

    android wallpapers. android-htc-wallpapers-post
  • android-htc-wallpapers-post

  • dantiston
    Apr 18, 03:55 PM
    I figured it out. I did have everything figured out -- but when I was first setting up the server, I set up our test domain, (church).net to a catchall -- in server admin there was an alias set to *

    I deleted the alias, set GoDaddy (which I highly despise) to point to our server, and Ta Da! Works fine.

    Moral of the story. Don't use catchalls.

    android wallpapers. Android Wallpapers
  • Android Wallpapers

  • stoid
    Sep 23, 12:35 PM
    Where does it say that the Refurb Store will be closed on October 3rd?

    android wallpapers. Android Wallpapers 960x800
  • Android Wallpapers 960x800

  • King Cobra
    Sep 17, 03:55 PM Nice Photoshop job! :D

    But I think you really need to cram in a lot of battery power for listening to the phone at high volumes. It's not like you are listening from earplugs or such. And where would the mic/speakers for talking/listening go? My father's mini-Motorola phone mic/speakers aren't that small.

    android wallpapers. Android Wallpapers
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  • robbieduncan
    Apr 24, 07:28 AM
    Basically you are freeing memory you did not malloc/calloc. Your double returnElement within the last loop is requesting space to store a double. This will be on the stack. You are not mallocing or callocing the space for this double (if you did it'd be in the heap). You then memcpy into this space (which is fine: you are allowed to do that). You then free the space that is on the stack. You can't do that. You can't free on the stack. That is automatically done when the current stack frame is popped.

    If that doesn't make sense (if you don't know what the heap and stack are for example) it's time to learn basic C properly...

    android wallpapers. Android Wallpapers | Funky
  • Android Wallpapers | Funky

  • wuntrikpony
    Jan 5, 12:41 AM
    Why is everyone getting so down on the trailer? It's a fun little video made by people who have a great online community. It's not supposed to be serious or serve an immediate function(other than creating some hype). Is that really so wrong? I mean it's one thing if you just don't think the trailer was done well, but why put down some people having fun? And I'm sure those who are bitching that it was pointless are the same people who like to watch 10 minute long movie trailers that give away the whole plot.

    I think if they had just called it a "teaser" there would be little to no argument.

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  • sparkleytone
    Jul 6, 10:20 PM
    with most cable modems, this is fixed simply by completely unplugging the cable modem and then plugging it in while its connected to the airport.

    i spent a few minutes rummaging through the pdf's for airport extreme and failed to find documentation on a simple function it SHOULD have. if it doesnt, then i won't buy the one i had been planning for. this is the ability to change/clone its MAC address. this would enable you to 'fake' the address of the computer that was already receiving the IP. can someone confirm whether or not its there?

    android wallpapers. Android wallpapers
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  • mileslong
    Mar 15, 03:33 PM
    i am finding that Safari 5.1 is almost unusable on Lion. It drops all internet connections and i have to use network preferences to reboot if you will just to get it use my wifi everytime.

    the bookmark bar doesn't work and on and on. im using chrome and its fast as heck on lion. too many bugs to use lion for everyday right now...

    android wallpapers. Android Wallpapers - Pink
  • Android Wallpapers - Pink

  • therevolution
    Feb 15, 01:59 PM
    I don't know... I agree, that seems logical.

    You do know you can Cmd+C an icon in the "Get Info" window and Cmd+V it over the icon you want to replace, right?

    android wallpapers. got Android - Droid Wallpapers
  • got Android - Droid Wallpapers

  • overanalyzer
    Jan 15, 04:10 PM
    I think if we were going to see a Blu Ray drive offered, it would have been part of the Mac Pro updates last week, so I'm doubting that's pending soon. There are third party drives available, though.

    3G iPhone has been expected for this Summer at earliest all along, so I'd expect an announcement at WWDC in June with immediate or very soon availability. If there's not a 16GB by then I'd expect one then. We'll most likely know 100% when it's coming too, because the FCC filings have to be submitted months in advance.

    android wallpapers. Android Wallpapers 640×480
  • Android Wallpapers 640×480

  • victor_patv
    Feb 16, 04:23 PM
    I was in a lecture hall the other day with my new 17� it was fine. No weird looks andI love the extra real estate.

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  • CharlC
    May 6, 02:12 AM
    The other thread was about using Airplay to do it. I am talking about using a bluetooth dongle or antenna. Hence the new thread. But thank you for your input.

    android wallpapers. Android wallpapers Black
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  • SideStepSociety
    Apr 27, 07:57 PM

    How do you like your iPad 2? Worth the upgrade from the first gen?

    android wallpapers. Android Wallpapers
  • Android Wallpapers

  • bearcatrp
    Apr 25, 11:53 AM
    The iMac is getting ready to be refreshed. Should be sandy bridge processors. The mini will follow, since it uses the same parts, not long after the iMac. Your decision will depend on what your going to use it for.

    android wallpapers. Most of the Android wallpapers
  • Most of the Android wallpapers

  • GGJstudios
    Apr 21, 12:37 PM
    One of the many things I don't like about this new feature is that when I'm scrolling down a thread, the scrolling stops wherever there's an imbedded video. To avoid this, I have to make sure the pointer is on the side of the thread, not in the middle, where the video would appear.

    android wallpapers. Android Wallpapers
  • Android Wallpapers

  • digitalduck
    May 1, 11:05 AM
    Ok ive been looking for months for a decent photo album app...what I have a question on is this,

    when using a photo storage app it doesnt literally make a copy of this pic to store on your device for the purpose of that app correct? That would be stupid, doesnt it just make like a shortcut or a photo playlist of your existing photos to access?

    I am lookign for a good photo album app that lets me use custom photos for the albums and when I picture with the camera and then import it into the app it will just be more like a shortcut of the pic on the camera roll...

    Thanks everyone :)

    android wallpapers. 28 Awesome Android Wallpapers
  • 28 Awesome Android Wallpapers

  • grabberslasher
    Nov 14, 05:18 AM
    Just in case anybody is interested...

    I made a simple CoreImage test app to try and get to grips with CoreImage. It's not very advanced but it can do a number of effects and is fun to play with.

    I need somebody to host it for the moment because I'm away from my webserver so if anybody can do that then it will be available for download.

    Requires a CoreImage compatible graphics card that is Quartz2DExtreme capable. Works nice and smoothly on my 17" Powerbook (Most recent gen).

    Mar 18, 06:54 PM
    I considering heading to covent garden, but for me depends on whether we get pre-orders for delivery on Friday. If not then the weather. If its raining, I'll just go to my local store I think. Its inside a shopping center, so wont get wet. :)

    Mar 3, 08:21 PM
    did I mention how Photoshop completely locks up if you copy text from an MS Office app? That was my Photoshop bug of the day...

    Apr 24, 09:38 AM
    When I look at the depreciation of MBP, it is much worse than a MP. For example, 2008 models of MP have depreciated by about ~50%, while MBP have depreciated ~75% for similar price starting price point of the computers.

    Sep 22, 06:50 PM
    Thanks for your help, guys. The file can be found at here ( , but the Get info attachment will hopefully help. Thanks.

    Mar 18, 05:25 PM
    Actually, the term ISO is just short for the organization that provides standards on film speed (and before it was ISO, it was ASA.) I don't see what value trying to rename it has- you still have to know what that is, and how it applies, and since you can assign that information to the term ISO and not break every photographic instruction ever made or make the remaining film cameras suddenly "different" than digital, I don't see a big gain (pun intended) in going from a three letter abbreviation to a word.


    Yeah, agreed... Although, as you point out, it wasn't even a useful term in the first place.

    At least the eject button for my CF card is not called "Rewind". :p

    Maybe you need to get out (from this forum) more?

    enjoy... ;)

    LOL! You could have at least linked me to something fun! :D :p